She's One
Can it really be true??
She's one... my sweet little baby is turning into a darling toddler a little more every second. She is so beautiful. But her silly personality makes her so fun! We are so glad she's here with us. We love her to the moon.

Go here to read about the day she was born!
TDodds is still on vacation... his last day, so we are going to spend it celebrating. Any fun Midland ideas... besides the library?? That's probably what we'll do... hit the library! And maaaaybe Gigis!? Or maybe we'll just make a cake... or maybe not. We haven't been eating the healthiest since we've had company!
Sigh... we'll chat soon!
** Go here to one of our BFF's Sarah Stepan's Photography blogs to see more 1 year photos of Aubrey Grace!**