Procrastination and Camp
I REALLY REALLY need to go to the grocery store. Right now in our fridge, we have mayonnaise, milk, and various other condiments. The situation in our pantry is even more dire. Cheerios, a half empty box of lasagna noodles, saltines, and baking supplies!
I really am going to go, after I sit down with you a while!
This is the lake at Camp Copass! It was so pretty... but infested with poisonous snakes... so we couldn't get in it! Terribly mean!
Poor Aubrey Grace is such a trooper! She lived in this stroller all week! This is at Rec time. A very serious, spiritual time for the students of Stonegate Fellowship! We were cheering for the students. They needed some encouragement...
Because Tug-of-War is majorly important...
And there is a huge nasty mud pit. Many people fell in and were swallowed by the murky water. Humiliated no doubt by their lack of strength.
Hi Loves!
We sat in the back of the dark auditorium during all of the worship times.
Getting ready for an evening worship session.
My hat.
More very serious Rec time. Ruthless competition.
This is my little brother. Travis. He's adorable. So cute. 19. Single. And so funny. He is an amazingly talented drummer and played with Ty all week. He has really matured over the last few years and is actually fun to be around now! You know how high school boys can be right!? Love him so much. He's single. Most of you I know reading this are spoken for... but there could be a few stragglers.
This is TDodds' BFF Jeff... He's not single... engaged to an adorably beautiful girl Crystal. He is our high school pastor and he is crazy. I mean great.
My dear heroes... Kara, Jesse, Mikayla, and Stacey. These ladies are like the hardest workers. Ever. They basically ran camp. Not really, but they could have. Annnnd to top it all off, a couple of times they watched Aubrey during worship times so that I could worship with Tyler. As if they didn't have anything better to do! Someday I hope to be in their cool club.

We went swimming in the big pool. It was a slight disappointment. The water was luke warm. Like a large bath with 400 junior high and high school students. Soon after a used band aid floated by Tyler's arm we vacated the premises.

TDodds' parents will be here on Tuesday for a visit and I'm so very excited! I decided on a party theme. Can you tell what it is!? Tyler and I spent the better part of yesterday cutting and gluing.
Think of me...
Love you all...