Girl's Weekend
I feel as if I start almost every post by saying.... We have been busy!! I refuse to do it this time. REFUSE. I will not say we are busy. I just will not. Who isn't!? That's what I want to know. Busy has become a four letter word to me.
I'm over it now.
Our schedule has been full this week!
One of our sweet friends got married yesterday and we were apart of the wedding, so that meant rehearsal dinner, and a little bit of traveling. But of course, it was well worth it! Besides that, Tyler led worship this morning at church and it was wonderful. As always. We had brisket and homemade potato salad and baked beans to celebrate our independence after church today with our BFF's Jeff and Crystal, and then we tried to rest. Aubrey took a 4 hour nap. It's true... and miraculous, and wonderful!
Life. Normal, mundane life. I really do love it! I enjoyed getting back into a routine with my baby girl this week! Since we had been together as a family for almost a full 3 weeks... 1 of which TDodds had food poisoning... we were ready for that routine! My quiet times in the Word had suffered dramatically, and I could feel myself falling into the abyss of... myself. So I'm glad things are back to normal. BUT... I need a vacation... with my BFF's... Girl talk. Ya know!?
Our fourth semi-annual (or really just whenever we get a chance!!) girl's weekend is coming up very soon and I'm ecstatic!!
I'm so excited to be able to catch up and talk and giggle. A weekend long slumber party with my very best friends. They are the most wonderful type of friends.... you know... the kind that even if you don't talk to them in forever it's like you just spoke to them 5 minutes ago!? It's a wonderful blessing. I feel intense gratitude for them!
Weekend #1 - Ft. Worth
Courtney, Jenna, Paige, Allison, Me - we were missing Molly

Weekend #2 - San Antonio
Paige, Courtney, Molly, Allison, Yours Truly - we were missing Jenna

Weekend #3 - Midland
Allison, Muah, Baby Girl, Molly, Jenna, Paige, Courtney
