Home Again

We are home!

Most of you didn't even know we were gone.

But we were!

And now we are BACK!

We spent the last week in Denton, TX at Camp Copass with the students from our church at camp! TDodds led worship all week and I was just so blessed by him. Can I please just say that he is my favorite worship leader. Our student pastor Neil said it best... Tyler has an amazing way of walking along side of all of us... and he isn't taking us anywhere in worship that he hasn't already been with the Lord himself. So true. And I should know... I have the honor of knowing him better than anyone else!

When we arrived home last night we literally unpacked our suitcases in our kitchen and made piles of dirty clothes, sheets, and towels to tackle today. When I walked into the kitchen this morning to make Aubrey a bottle I thought I would just cry. I am happy to say that we have made a dent in the laundry and we are almost done!

I have so much else to share... and some photos you'll get a kick out of... but first... I need to savor sitting on my comfy couch wrapped in my favorite quilt in my pjs.

Love you to the moon.
Thanks for loving us back.

I just love our little chats!


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