Gan and Papa and The Swing
We had a wonderful week with TDodds' parents. Lovingly called Gan and Papa! We are fairly boring people, but it was nice to not have anything major planned (besides the birthday party of course!) and to sit around and drink coffee and visit and rest! Part of me felt bad about not having anything exciting scheduled. But then again... it was nice.

Gan and Papa got Aubrey a swing for her birthday. Oh my word. Aubrey is in love with that thing. I think if it were her choice, she would live in it. She throws MAJOR fits when we pull her out of her beloved swing and take her inside. I think she loves it as much, or maybe more than her little swimming pool!
These pictures were taken during her first time in the swing by Gan right after TDodds and Papa hooked it to the eve of our porch! And don't mind the bird bath lying on the grass. TDodds knocked it over and it broke. So sad. Oh well... at least the mosquitos will have one less place to breed. I hate mosquitos. Despise.
This is interesting! I guess I better hold on to these ropes here.

I think I like this!

Uh oh. There's the ground. Not so sure about that. Nope. Maybe this is too high.

I'm over it!! This is one of the best things that's ever happened to me! Thank you Thank you Thank you! **giggle giggle, squeal squeal**

Sometimes it's fun to pretend you know what your child is thinking. I guess I'll have to stop doing that soon or I'll have a 13 year old daughter mortified because "I never listen!!!!!!!!" And she'll roll her eyes, and storm off, and slam her bedroom door. *Gasp* Banish the thought. Not sweet Aubrey Grace! Never.
I was the queen of eye rolling back in my day. Shudder.
**All sarcasm aside for a moment... I needed Jesus. I really did. And I love Him so much for rescuing me from my hateful attitude. Not that I don't still have one. Sometimes. I delight in drawing nearer to Him. Tyler and I have been begging the Lord to put in Aubrey an intense desire for Him. And it would bring us so much joy to see our daughter running after the One who can and will save her. Because He loves her more than we do. A humbling thought.**
We had a blast with Gan and Papa. We love them. And we are so glad they were able to come and stay with us and celebrate Aubrey's first year of life!!
Have a good weekend! I promise I'll tell more about the party later. Y'all are going to be sick of it by the time it's all said and done.
Just kidding... there's not that much more to tell.
The End.