She Liked It
My Mother-in-law, Cathy and I slaved over the cupcakes for Aubrey's party. I was trying to save money by doing them ourselves and they turned out quite adorable! I was surprised to say the least. I mean decorating an edible item to actually look presentable is hard enough... but CUTE. Really!? We went for cute, and I think we did great! We made the table cloth (or is it a runner... more than a runner... less than a cloth), and the cupcake toppers ourselves too. TDodds helped. It was kind of a chore, but Aubrey's party came out to less than $100. Which is quite something!
Singing happy birthday to Aubrey was so much fun. I think she was slightly puzzled by all of the hoopla... and maybe wondered what in the world all these people were doing in our house singing at the top of their lungs. It was quite loud and I'm sure our neighbors could hear our celebration. Maybe we should have just gone ahead and invited them.
When I put her cake in front of her for the traditional "digging in" she was so hesitant. I'm sure she wondered what in the world we were doing to her.
Warming up to the idea
YES! She liked it!
I have a million more pictures from the party to share... but I'll spare you. Today anyway.
Love you all!