This is my LAST "Aubrey's first birthday post." I know y'all are annoyed by the LACK of comments. *sigh and hugh* Anyways... she's only one for a little while! And we made it through our FIRST year. Something most certainly to celebrate. If it weren't for the sobbing, and freaking out, and wondering, and worrying, and triumphing... I wouldn't really have felt like a Mommy. But I do now. I certainly do. And I'm proud of it... even if I am tempted to wear sweats to the grocery store, or not put on my make up, or lay in bed all day faking the flu. I love my life. It's HARD to be a stay at home Mommy. But I love it like some girls love being doctors, lawyers, nurses, or teachers. Praise you Lord. I know that You have me right where You want me.
The morning of Aubrey's real birthday day we wanted to do something really fun, but couldn't figure out what. Our town isn't the largest by any means, so sometimes you have to have a little creativity. AND during the summer its 1081 degrees outside. Or so it seems.
We dressed her in her sweet birthday outfit...

I settled her down with some milk... and then I gobbled the cupcake myself... and then we wandered the store for a while.
The End.