Because it's hilarious.
We have just been having the BEST time with the TDodds' parents this week. It has been such a relaxing time for our little family as well since Ty was able to take a week of vacation. I think he has a bit of cabin fever... but we'll live.
Anyways... all that to say...
Today was Aubrey's birthday party! It was great, and I'm so excited to tell you about it!! One of my friends Sarah came and took some wonderful, professional pictures which I can NOT wait to see. On the edge of my seat. But HANDS DOWN the funniest picture of the day came from my Daddy's camera phone.
Prepare yourself...
Look closely...
At my face.
Then glance over at the TV.

You can laugh if you want...
That's what friends are for.
Love you all... we'll talk soon!