Do y'all remember the day that I was so very excited about my bread machine?? I think it was my birthday this past December. For those of you who have just joined us here on the blog, I'd always wanted a bread machine and then I found one at the thrift store for $4!! I had dreams and visions of me being the best homemaker in Texas and rising early and making various, fattening, yeasty creations for my family. I think something is wrong with my machine... because it's not as magical as I thought it would be. You have to actually measure things and put them in the bread tray in the "correct" order. I don't even know what that means! My first attempt at whole wheat bread was horrific, my second attempt was even worse. My first attempt at rye bread landed the whole loaf in the trash after Tyler gagged (almost) while taking a bite. He hasn't touched rye bread since and he used to LOVE it. I scarred him for life I'm afraid. Our pizza dough comes out gummy and floury every time.

Maybe I need new recipes... maybe I need to give up my dreams of being a prairie woman.

Did anyone besides me love The Boxcar Children books? I mean I used to WANT so badly to be a "boxcar child" and eat bread and cheese in my red caboose house. Live all alone and be independent and grown up. I'm almost positive that they made their own bread!

On another note... Tyler and I are going to Ft. Worth on Thursday, and we are SO excited. I can hardly wait to see my friends and spend all weekend chatting and shopping and eating. I don't even really know what is going on this weekend (besides a schedule that Ashley sent to me) and it's SO great and freeing to not have to be in charge of anything!! Just tell me what time to be there, and what I should wear! I love you girls so so so so so much! And as for the boys... I love you too... you are doing such a wonderful thing for my man! What a refreshing weekend it will be!

Please be in prayer for my husband this week. Exciting things are happening this week and I'm so proud of him. Please pray for creativity and humility in every circumstance, and that the Lord's name would be made known through this endeavor. I'll explain more later.

Love you all!


Amber said…
OH MY GOODNESS...I CANT WAIT till the weekend! Its going to be sooo fun!
We will be praying for Tyler this week. Vernon is in Midland if yall want to give him a call. He will come back Fri morn to hang with all the guys.

And about the bread...dont give up! Maybe try with out the machine...maybe you are TOO GOOD for the machine...maybe your skills dont require machines! Get it girl! You are every woman!
The Roberts' said…
i got a bread maker for christmas & i have yet to use it! i took a look at the recipe book & decided it looked too difficult. i really need to get over that b/c i want to use it. but i saw somewhere that i needed an internal thermometer?! ah! its all so overwhelming. thats not even to mention my pretty, red kitchen aid mixer.... that has never been used. yes im horrible.
Molly Swanson said…
Bails! Have an AWESOME weekend! I'm a total fan of the "sabadical" weekend!!! God does amazing things when we have lots of time to relax and gaze on Him. Praying for you and Tyler! I can't wait to hear everything!

yes, lets get together! I'd love for you to come over sometime and see the apt! miss you :)
Marla Taviano said…
Yes, I used to want to be one of the Boxcar Children. Absolutely.

I still kind of want to.
Trent Brown said…
I am praying for you guys and look forward to seeing you in April

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