North Carolina
My day yesterday was great! My lunch with Kylie at Olive Garden was so fun and then my trip to the grocery store was very productive! I only forgot two things (a victory!)... soy sauce and egg beaters. Ty has been eating egg beaters for breakfast to help watch his figure. Ick... I prefer cholesterol thank you!
After we left Tennessee, we drove to North Carolina to visit with Tyler's parents for a couple of days! The drive was so beautiful. I never realized how absolutely gorgeous Tennessee and West Virginia were. I was thankful for some nice scenery to help pass the time! Tyler's sister Jennifer also lives in North Carolina, so she, her husband Shannon, and son Matthew met us there to meet Aubrey, well and to see me and TDodds! We arrived Saturday evening to an amazing dinner of boiled shrimp courtesy of Shannon. It was so great! At first we thought 10 pounds of shrimp was too much... but of course it wasn't. Most of it was enjoyed by the end of the evening!!
Auntie Jenn and Aubrey Grace
Cousin Matthew
Sunday morning we slept in a bit, and then got ready for church! Tyler's dad is a pastor, so it's always a thrill for us to attend his church and sit under his teaching. He preached on knowing the will of God. Hm... Nothing is random with God. We took Aubrey into the service, and she did really well. She loves music! Every time a song was over she would stir in her seat and act like she was mad about the music being over... then another song would start and she would immediately be still. She finally went to sleep, but I was so nervous through the sermon, because she kept waking up and making little noises... Thankfully we made it through without any major incident.
Daddy and the Love of his heart! Notice her way cute Sunday outfit!
Making eyes at Daddy
The rest of our visit was really good... just entirely too short! We left early Monday morning to make the trek back to Mississippi to stay with Mamaw again to break the trip up. On the way, we stopped in Atlanta and had lunch with our BFF's the Fogarty's. It was a blast to see them. Lindsay is expecting a baby in September and we can hardly wait!!
Cole and Noah
Lindsey Lou, Bailey Sue, and Aubrey... um I can't think of a name that rhymes...
Silly Faces
Well that's all for today!! More pictures tomorrow! Love you all!