The Weekend Update...
Aren't you so happy to learn about Mr. Felder's store? The best part of that story is that the man's name was actually Mr. Felder! If he had another more basic name like... I don't know... Mr. Johnson... it just wouldn't be the same! TDodds is full of stories like that, and we think it's hilarious. Sometimes I wonder if he really grew up in like the 1950's because of the stories he tells!
Our weekend was great!! Friday night we just stayed at home, ate some dinner, and then watched that Julia Roberts movie "Duplicity." I actually thoroughly enjoyed it!!
Saturday we got up and enjoyed a quiet morning full of coffee, playing with Aubrey, and the Food Network! Then a quiet morning turned into a lazy afternoon, and before we knew it we had to get ready to go to the church (yesterday was baby dedication at our church) to attend a special reception for those dedicating their babies. The night was great. A couple of our pastors spoke about parenting and about how our church wants to walk with us as parents. And then our friend Karen sang a few songs that she wrote about being a parent! She is so fun! It was Aubrey's first time in the nursery, and with about 60 other babies there as well, I felt a bit timid... but she did really well... and I'm sure she thought being around other babies was incredibly intriguing!
Mike and Angela dedicated their baby Andrew as well!
The Fam... I tried to take the pacifier out, but a fit soon followed, so I quickly stuck it back in!
Sunday morning was baby dedication, and it was a really sweet time. Our church calls it baby dedication, but they say it's really more of a "parent dedication." Which truly it is. We have promised to live in a way that shows sweet Aubrey Grace who Jesus is in order to help drive her to see her need for a Savior. We've been begging the Lord to implant in her a need and desire for Him that is so great that she just can't help but surrender to Him.

Well, I hope you have a lovely Monday... I'm off to fold gobs of laundry!
Aubrey in her sweet little dress from her Auntie Ally! Remember how I bought a way cute dress for her from Janie and Jack? Well... the shoes I ordered for her to wear with that dress didn't come in time (we'll probably get them today), and I didn't have any socks dressy enough for her to wear with it, so we compromised. Oh well... She looked adorable!
This is us on stage, I promise we were really excited to be there! And take note of my black jacket! And yes that is a picture hanging on stage behind us of TDodds and Aubrey!

Nonna and Aubrey Grace (she was rather annoyed by the flash on the camera I think!), Pops was sitting in the service :(
The Fam... again
Love you all!