As you well know... I love coffee. What you may not know is that I always have one packet of Splenda in every cup that I enjoy. But I don't like Splenda in anything else. I think it's especially awful in iced tea. Today, BFF Kendal and I were enjoying lunch at Olive Garden, and there was no Sweet 'N Low on our table. Kendal has the same qualms about her iced tea. It HAS to have Sweet 'N Low or it's not good iced tea. So she kindly asked our server if they had any "pink things." And the waitress replied that "the whole restaurant was out, but that they would have more tomorrow." Kendal just stared at me like she just found out her beloved puppy had died. The waitress quickly took note of our despair and offered to go look for some that might be lingering on other tables. She returned with 8 packets!! Victory! We used every one of them and so enjoyed our meal! She and I always have the best conversations over our soup, salad, breadsticks, and iced tea with Sweet 'N Low. I had a point to this story... sort of... what exactly was it?? Oh yes... I have a new Splenda in my coffee obsession! It is this...

I ordered all of our pictures today from The votes were fairly unanimous, so photo number 3 it is!! The more I looked at the pictures of Tyler and Aubrey, the more number 3 became my favorite as well! Here are the other photos that I ordered to go in various frames and to give to grandmas and things!

That's all for now!! I love you all!