The Olden Days...
So part of my blogging break was because I dropped my laptop and fried the hard drive. Go me!
Now I'm using TDodds' old laptop and I just opened IPhoto to de-red eye some new pictures I took to post on the blog. BUT FIRST... I MUST show you some old photos... from the olden days... circa 2004/2005!
There were so many... so many... I had a hard time picking which treasures to share!
It's amazing what 5 or 6 years does to a person!

Allison who you all know to be one of my life long BFF's, and Natalie - my favorite mentor and seriously one of my best friends and the person I want to be like when I grow up.

Me and that BFF again... and some little junior high kid trying to be funny peeking through us. I think it's hilarious and laugh every time I see it!
Have a good weekend!
Now I'm using TDodds' old laptop and I just opened IPhoto to de-red eye some new pictures I took to post on the blog. BUT FIRST... I MUST show you some old photos... from the olden days... circa 2004/2005!
There were so many... so many... I had a hard time picking which treasures to share!
It's amazing what 5 or 6 years does to a person!
This was like a couple of days after we got engaged! Yes... I had braces! Why the man wanted to marry me even though I had braces, I'll never know.

Allison who you all know to be one of my life long BFF's, and Natalie - my favorite mentor and seriously one of my best friends and the person I want to be like when I grow up.

Me and that BFF again... and some little junior high kid trying to be funny peeking through us. I think it's hilarious and laugh every time I see it!