A Concert and A Night Away...
Guess where we went!!!???

Tuesday we drove to Dallas along with several members of our worship/arts ministry at church to see Hillsong United! YAY! Aubrey stayed the night with my parents, and although I knew she was in very capable hands, I was so nervous and cranky just being away from her! Before the concert we were treated to PF Chang's. There is just nothing like their Kung Pao Chicken! YUM! The concert... or should I say worship service was amazing. I had a blast. Brooke Fraser is my hero. Seriously. She said something that I just loved... she may not have been the first to say it, because I feel like I had heard it before... but she said, "Christian culture makes clones... But Jesus makes disciples." So true. May we never become complacent. I've been begging the Lord to never allow me to be comfortable in my relationship with Him... I want to always be growing... and learning... and falling more in love with Jesus.
So our first night away from baby girl... sleeping without disruption... sounds amazing doesn't it? TDodds slept like a rock and I of course woke up about every 30 minutes wondering where my sweet little one was. Then I had to remind myself... "Bailey!! This is supposed to be relaxing for you... Chill out!" Easier said than done I'm afraid! Nevertheless, I did have fun with Tyler... and not having to make extra stops for diaper changes and things! Wednesday we took our time coming home... and I was chomping at the bit to get to Aubrey. When we got there, she was just as happy as could be... I don't even think she missed us! My mom did a great job and seemed to have a lot of fun. Next time when we go away... like when TDodds takes me somewhere exotic and tropical for our 5th anniversary (wishful thinking?) I will not wake up every 30 minutes, and actually enjoy it!
We are just home resting and catching up on things today, so I will get back to it!
Love you all!!