Icky Shots...

Aubrey is doing well after her 2 month check up and round of shots. I HA-TED it... no one told me how awful and heart breaking it is to have to HOLD your child down while they are being tortured. And TDodds of course was little help since he has a major issue with all needles. Clearly we didn't want him passing out, so he sat in the corner... and I got to hold down baby girl's legs. However, it went very fast... 5 seconds flat and the nurse was finished with band aids on and everything. I was glad Ty came with me though... looking at him helped me stay strong and to not burst into tears.

Baby girl weighs 10 lbs 14 ozs, and is 22 inches long. Very average, which we are so thankful for, since we had such a hard time getting her to gain weight at first!

We had to run by the store after her appointment, but then we promptly came home and put pjs on. Now she's sleeping peacefully in her room.

I'll let you go... I've got to get supper started!!

Love you all!


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