2 Months Old
Aubrey Grace you are 2 months old today! You have fallen asleep on your play mat in the living room floor and I'm certain that you are the cutest baby girl that I have ever seen!
Look how much you have changed in the last couple of months!!
This is the first time I held you! Well second...

And this is you now...

You are smiling at us all the time, and every time you do, it brings such joy to my heart!
You especially love the morning times and are most alert right after you wake up. The first thing you do is eat, and then you play while I have my coffee and read.
You make the most hilarious faces. You are pensive one moment and then cooing and smiling the next.
You are really loving your bath time now, which I knew you would eventually!
You are eating about 6 ozs every 4-5 hours.
You still love to cuddle.
You are ALMOST sleeping through the night! You only wake up one time to eat, but Mommy and Daddy are very excited for the day that you make it all the way through!
You get your shots tomorrow, and I am not very excited about it. I wish we could run away so you don't have to... but Mommy needs to be able to put you in the nursery at church!
You love your bouncy seat and your play mat, but you haven't quite figured out that you can reach out and grab those toys hanging above your head. You think they are hilarious though.
You are growing like a weed, and part of me wants to keep you my little baby forever, and the other part can't wait to see how you will grow and change over the next few months and years!
You are my little tootle-bug and I'm so glad you are here!