Mr Felder's Grocery Store....

So.... Bailey and I were talking the other day and I began reminiscing about my childhood. I thought I would share a little peice of that with you! ( Please read the below in a dreamy, reminiscent, type of way)
I grew up in Kosciusko, MS. My family had moved there before I was born for my dad to take a pastoring position at Second Baptist Church. We lived in the church's parsonage which was right next to the church. One of the things I remember very vividly about growing up there is Mr. Felder's Grocery Store. This place was very interesting because it had been there since the early 1900's. You see, in 1911 James Sanders purchased a cotton mill that was about a mile from my house. As a result, mill workers began living in several villages and flats around the mill. The church and Felders Grocery Store along with a few other things popped up around the village. In that day men would actually gather under the large oak trees in my yard across the street from Mr. Felders store and play chess and checkers. All that to say Mr Felder's Store has been around for quite some time! As the sands of time took it's toll on Mr. Felder's Store this is what I remember....
Almost daily as I would arrive home from school my heart would be filled with joy and anticipation as I would skip across the street to Mr. Felders Store. I would never know what lied ahead as I entered the threshold of the store. I remember the entire back part of the store was well lit due to not having a ceiling because it had caved in years ago. I also remember there being 1 dangling light bulb to light the front part of the store. I would hurriedly grab a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup and R.C. Cola in order to make it back home to watch....

Yes! you know you wanted to be him! I am so cool.
That is all I have to say about that!
love you T
Childhood memories are great!