The Weekend Update...
It's Wednesday! It's been one of those weird... "I have so much to do weeks" with nothing to show for it!!
Actually that's not entirely true... yesterday I cleaned the house from top to bottom and finally... FINALLY got some pictures and things hung around the house. There were a couple of things just leaning against walls just waiting to be hung. I feel complete now.
I think we need black out curtains for Aubrey Grace's room... she WILL NOT sleep in her room during the day. As soon as I lay her in her bed, her eyes pop open, and it's so bright in there that she immediately thinks it's play time... and then nap time is thwarted. I need nap time to not be thwarted. I don't even know if thwarted is the right word... I just thought it sounded good, and made me seem really vocabularic. WHAT!? I'm making up words now. Thankfully, she sleeps really well in her swing.
We had a lovely and wonderful quiet weekend at home! Tyler had been recently convicted of the lack of "Sabbath" in our lives. We don't ever stop, and we don't know how to rest. So Friday we took a Sabbath day and literally did nothing. We played with Aubrey, and cooked together, and stayed in our p.j.s. It was great! I think a weekly rest day is so very necessary. Not only physically, but emotionally, and spiritually as well. Saturday evening, we went to a Stonegators (our church's motorcycle club that my Dad is very much apart of... so fun) BBQ up at the church. It was a beautiful night. The weather couldn't have been more perfect, and Aubrey loved all of the fresh air, and the friendly faces. She was exhausted by the time we got home!! Tyler led worship Sunday morning at church, and it was great. We love our church, and the worship team. They are just so fun. I did not have any responsibility Sunday morning, so it was nice to just hang near the back and worship with our church and pray for Tyler as he led! I took Aubrey to the nursery for the first and second service, and then I picked her up before the third service so that we could listen to Daddy lead together. That little girl LOVES music. People keep saying, "well of course... look at her parents!" But she didn't have to love music... she didn't even have to like it. But PTL... she LOVES it. Even when you sing to her, she just smiles and then makes little noises as if she's singing along. So, needless to say, she was enthralled with all of the loud music and lights on Sunday morning. Leading three services is exhausting for TDodds, so we promptly came home to eat chicken tacos and rest. Then we spent the evening with my parents!! Monday was just a normal day for us, but then we went to a Labor Day BBQ at a friend's house!! It was so fun! We ate yummy burgers, and all of the girls played several very serious rounds of Chicken Foot, while the boys talked music and who knows what else.
Here are a couple of photos from the BBQ and a few of Aubrey Grace because I couldn't resist!!
Agh red eyes... so annoying.
PS: Aubrey is ADORABLE and gets more adorable in every picture!