Aubrey's Closet...
The girl has clothes.
Lots of them.
I spent the morning packing up all of my favorite newborn outfits and washing and putting away all of baby A's 3-6 month attire. She is still wearing 0-3 month size... but she's growing so fast...Give it another week and I bet most of her 3-6 month clothes will fit. I can hardly believe it.
Aubrey was so excited to hang out with Mommy and organize her closet and drawers!
Y'all are going to think I am so lame, but I definitely took pictures of a few of my favorite newborn outfits... Just to say good-bye...
I loved this little dress and leggings. She looked so sassy in it. And it was one of the only things she ever wore as a newborn that wasn't pink!
This might be my ultimate fav. It's hard to see the ruffly, feminine detail, but isn't it adorable! *sigh*
Here is Aubrey's closet. You should be so proud of me! It's not "pinked" out!
And this is the little one after the closet/drawer extravaganza. It was exhausting!!!!!

TDodds is at the church helping with a conference tonight, so me and Aubrey Grace are having a girl's night!!
Have a happy weekend!!