A Way Fun Friday....
Guess what we did today!!!
Our amazing photographer friend Rachel asked if she could come over, use me and a couple of other girls as models, and do some experimenting with a fan! Of course I said YES (even though I was very nervous and quite insecure!!)... I thought it would be a blast, and I wasn't disappointed! I mean a real live photo shoot at my house!? How cool is that?! TDodds was in Abilene for the day, so we girlie girls cranked the music and had so much fun pretending to be professionals. I mean I did take a modeling class in the 4th grade at Kids College here in town. And I remember being pretty amazing as I strutted down the catwalk to Ace of Base's "I Saw the Sign" in a lovely purple outfit! I had to wear purple because I drew that color out of a hat. I remember being disappointed about purple. That was also the class where I learned that if your hair made a "squeaking" sound after you washed it that it was clean enough. I always thought that really was the case, and only recently learned that it's not a good thing at all to have "squeaky clean" hair. I mean... all of those bad hair days could have been prevented!!
But I digress...
Don't be upset with me Rachel... I know my photos are blurry!! That's Kaylee and Jenna is back there holding the back drop!!

Love you all...