
We found a house.

It's so wonderfully perfect. We are so excited and feel so blessed! We will be closing on July 30th! This whole experience has been so dramatic! I don't think I liked it very much... but... I guess the end result is worth it. Now I can focus on important things like paint color, decorating, which cabinets my plates are going to go in as opposed to which the glasses will go in. And of course where the coffee pot will go. Which is basically the most important part of the kitchen! Guess what the best part is!? Well... I don't know if it's the best part because there are so many competing best parts, but, there is a huge shop in the back that in a few months we will insulate, sound proof, and drywall, and make Tyler's studio!! How cool is that!? That way he does not have to be confined to a small bedroom. Sometimes it's hard from him to stay on task because he works from home... but this way he'll literally leave home and go to work! God is so GOOD! I'm glad he won't have a long commute.

Everyone is invited to come and stay with us for as little or as long as you want!

Last night Tyler made some fish for dinner that was sooooo yummy! Tyler is a really good chef. In the beginning stages of our marriage this fact upset me, because I felt like he was in MY territory as a wife. HA, how prideful. I had to learn that this is one way that Tyler shows me his love, and now, I LOVE cooking with my husband. I so enjoy getting in the kitchen together, we always have the best conversations. Tyler is good at creating the main dish, and I always prepare side dishes or just sit on the counter and laugh with him. I'm sorry if sitting on the counter offends anyone. I can think of a few wonderul family members who would be appalled! And Tyler makes a pretty mean omelet y'all.

Cook Cook (our grandmother on Tyler's mother's side), gave me her biscuit recipe last time we were in Mississippi. Y'all do not realize what a big deal this was to me. It was like she passed onto me this huge legacy. I definitely teared up. Her biscuits are like heaven... crisp and crunchy (not hard) on the outside and so warm and soft on the inside that you don't even need butter, but of course you put on butter just because it's butter!! I have attempted them 5 or 6 times since then, but I have yet to master this great art! I must keep perservering, someday - if God is so gracious - I can pass down Cook Cook's special recipe to my grand daughters!

That's all for now!
Love you all!


The Roberts' said…
the counter is the best place to sit & talk with people! so much better than chairs. i cant wait to see your house!!
Molly Swanson said…
YAY! I love to read your posts. I am SO excited about y'all new house. I can't wait to see it! The studio sounds way cool....God is definently SO GOOD! p.s.-I love to sit on the counter! I always did this while my mom cooked growing up :).

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