A Story of Where We Are

Good Morning Sweet Friends.

I've missed you over the past week or so! I'm sorry I've been so quiet, but we are doing well here at the Dodds' house. I just needed a little break. From everything. Sort of.

I couldn't share on the blog since there are too many crazies in the world, but TDodds' was out of town for the better part of three weeks and arrived home Saturday before last. I was overjoyed and just kind of shut down my world outside of my home this past week to dote on my husband and try to get Aubrey and I back into some kind of routine!

As most of you know, Tyler used to be a full time traveling itinerant worship leader. Meaning, he went to different churches/camps/or whoever called and asked, to lead worship for their church service or event. Now that Tyler is on staff full time at our church, the Lord has begun to move us away from that. Sadly, the phone has stopped ringing. Traveling literally used to be our life and put food on the table. We LOOVED it. I'm not kidding. It had it's challenges (mainly financially... but oh my... we have seen the Lord be Jehovah Jireh and still praise him for his provision then and now), but we seriously loved the adventure and the ministry. And we saw the Lord move quite literally in so many amazing ways. We experienced the greatness of God first hand.

About 3 years ago, we started praying as a couple about where the Lord was leading our family. We realized that we had a passionate desire to serve both in our local church and out on the road. We started praying about what that meant. A while later, a little over a year ago, God in His wisdom put about 3 choices before us... all wonderful things... to pray through. About that time I was 5 months pregnant. After a few months of toiling, we found that obedience for us was to take the road least expected of us. To spend our lives serving in worship ministry in the local church.

We came to several conclusions. 1. There is no such thing as "normal" when it comes to the Lord. The road that we chose made it seem as if we were taking the "easy," normal road. But there is no normal and abnormal. Just simple obedience. 2. It is popular in our generation to say that the Lord "chooses all of us as his followers to do 'great' things. Greatness just might look different for each of us." Just as man's wisdom is foolishness to God, we believe man's definition of greatness is completely different than His.

We are thankful that we did the thing we were supposed to do. And even more, we are still experiencing the greatness of God first hand. But let me tell you, at least here in the Dodds' house, we have issues. We have trials. Problems. Tribulation. Whatever you want to call it. We aren't perfect... we aren't even always happy! *Gasp* We have struggles in our families and pray and cry out of frustration and utter sadness. Tragedy has befallen us in the past, and we aren't so arrogant to think that it won't in the future. But we trust our Savior. He is more than enough.

All that to say... the last few months have been so challenging. This summer the Lord has taken me on quite a personal journey, one I hope to share soon with you, but I am still just in an odd place. However, remembering the things the Lord has done is so encouraging. Psalm 77:10 and 13-14 has been a banner for us... a reminder to remember what the Lord has done:

"I shall remember the deeds of the Lord; surely I will remember Your wonders of old... Your way O God is holy; What god is great like our God? You are the God who works wonders."

In sharing a little more of our story with you, I hope you are encouraged as well in your place of ministry and life. I hope you are thinking on the things the Lord has done... and blessing Him for it. I pray you are walking in obedience and that the Lord is doing "great" things. For His glory. Right!?

Tyler and I are seriously so very blessed by you. I'm not even just saying that. Our hearts are so tender towards you. We love when you come up to us in the foyer at church or stop us at HEB. We consider you friends!

Love you all...

Tyler and Bailey


Molly Swanson said…
Thank you for your sweet encouragement in the Lord today! What a blessing y'all are!

Our God is SO GOOD!
Jean Hunt said…
You are so sweetly transparent...Your love for the Lord and desire to serve him is always evident. Blessings to all three of you!!!
ATodd1 said…
Thank you so much for the encouraging post! It was just what I needed to read this morning. Thank you for blessing us with the wisdom to remember the good things that the Lord has already done!
The Dodds said…
Y'all are so precious.

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