A Random, Dull Monday

To my eternal delight, I just finished my grocery list. It is long. Do you ever have those weeks where you are out of EVERYTHING all at once? Welcome to my world. I am known to go to the store and forget 5 or 6 things that were written on my list. I usually don't forget to write them onto my list... somehow they don't end up in my basket. TDodds believes this is because I don't use a pen while at the store to mark things off my list. Hm... Well have you tried to use a pen with a very curious, incredibly active little girl sitting inches away from your hands?? One time at the store this same curious little girl somehow took possession of my list and ATE half of it while I was reading the nutritional facts on something. I just giggled hysterically and nervously afraid someone would turn me in to Child Protective Services, while she smiled a very pleased with herself smile. So no. A pen is a bad idea.

So, I'm done with my grocery list.

Today is Monday.

I like dull Mondays because they give me a chance to gather my wits after a busy weekend! We spent some time with friends Saturday night and had Pioneer Woman's Texas Sheet Cake. Oh my word. I didn't make it, I'm scared of it. I shouldn't EVER have it in my house. It's dangerous. TDodds spent all day Saturday fixing our leaky kitchen sink. Bless his heart. Yesterday we had church. Worship was A-MA-ZING. I felt so so blessed and honored to be apart. I was singing in the choir... but I felt honored all the same! Last night, we had our Praise and Communion service with baptism. And following that, "Family Fun Night!!" Complete with hotdogs, sodas, and jumpers for the kids. Everyone just picnicked on the lawn. It was a blast and the weather was good. It wasn't 1000 degrees, and there was a nice breeze!

This afternoon, cuddled in my chair with some coffee, I was able to catch up on some of my friend's blogs! I hadn't had a chance to do that in a while! You would love my friends...

Megan is a friend who is doing mission work as a nurse in India for the next few weeks. She's been there for a couple of weeks now. She is precious. I've already bawled my eyes out over some of her stories. And giggled a little. And raised my fist in the air in victory over her triumphs. I have been praying fervently for her.

I was laughing over Amber's description of Texas in fall. SO TRUE. I'm a little jealous that she's getting to experience a real live autumn this year in Missouri. And the wreath that she made is so cute!

I'm ready for fall too Molly! Do you think it will ever get here!!?? I love your headbands!

As soon as it hits 70 degrees... or maybe 80 would be fair... I'm going to make this recipe and also one I found in one of my cookbooks for Gingerbread Lattes. Yes please!!

Well. I hope you are having a lovely, dull Monday. Friday will be here soon enough!

Love ya,


Molly Swanson said…
You are the sweetest miss Bails! I'm super ready for fall :) Thanks for liking my headbands! ...I like Mondays too, some of the sweetest days in life.

I also love that Aubrey ate your list! HAHAH!!!

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