The Wonderful, Slightly Quirky...
World of Aubrey Grace!
This was taken at Christmas! Look at her adorable jammies and cupcake slippers!
I have matching jammies.
Oh my word... did I just admit that to the world?
I'm one of those Moms??
I think I'm feverish
I love them.
This is the toodle-bug with her "coffee" pot. Clearly it's a tea set... but she has no idea. She's very very proud of being able to drink coffee with Mommy and Daddy. She'll come "refill" my coffee cup most mornings. And I usually shower her with thanks and praises because of course I always want a refill from a cutie pie holding a smiling pink tea pot.
I know the first thing you saw was the face. How can you not giggle? I'm laughing more though at the random stickers and the bracelet that she just had to wear to the dinner table that she stole out of my jewlery box. She LOVES accessories. Girl to the core! Aunt Ashley taught her this face! We are forever grateful. ((Natalie... can you spot my Scentsy??? Honey Pear Cider... the scent of the Dodds' home. Accept lately I've been trying Mochachino... It's amazing!))
Baby Girl loves to brush her teeth more than most dentists. She'd brush them for hours if we let her. I might have accidentally allowed that a time or two.
We aren't really sure why she likes to do this. But she'll walk around the house and inform us that she's wearing her "jacket." We just say, "Ok Sister Mary Clarence."
And I am also becoming quite talented... just look at my Larry! I've become quite proficient in drawing all of the Veggie Tales characters.
You gotta do whatcha gotta do!
Ya know it??
Somehow this Larry sprouted wings.
We love her... we love her... can't get enough of her!!!!
Happy Day!