Happy Easter!
These photos are from TDodds' trip to Israel this past Decemeber...
Can you tell what this is??
The Place of the Skull
I shudder every time I see it.
The tomb... if you look closely at the wall, you can see where a very large stone would have been rolled to cover the opening...

They aren't sure exactly where he would have laid, because (sorry for my frankness) there would have been multiple bodies here at a time. Remember that Jesus was given a place to be buried since He had none. But as we know... He didn't stay there for long.
He said, "You can see now how it is written that the Messiah suffers, rises from the dead on the third day, and then a total life-change through the forgiveness of sins is proclaimed in his name to all nations - starting from here, from Jerusalem! Luke 24:46,47
A total life-change!
Our friend and one of our pastors, Mike Goeke, says it much better than I can in an article he wrote for our local paper! I hope you are as blessed by his words today as I was!!
Love you all more than ever!!