Easter Review
Our Easter celebrations were a little different this year now that we have four Sunday services at church. Since we serve in the worship ministry, we are there for each of those services. Makes for a long day! Most Sundays we come home after the second service with a take-out lunch and then nap before we are back at church for the third service at 5. So needless to say, we didn't have a huge Easter dinner... But... we did celebrate!
The fun started on Thursday at Aubrey's "Parent's Day Out" Easter party. She had a BLAST gathering eggs. There she is running as fast as her little legs would carry her in the yellow shirt.

She would not EVER look at me for a sweet picture. Oh well! She got LOTS of eggs!

It was SO hot. Aubrey has been blessed with the issue of turning very red in the face when she is hot. Like her Mother. Bless her heart.

Attitude. She was so aggravated. It was like 2 o'clock and she had yet to nap.

She had a blast the rest of the weekend playing with her plastic eggs in the backyard. She would dump them out and yell... OK FIND THEM!!! And then gather them back up into her bucket.

Saturday evening, we had a special "family" dinner for some sweet friends who are adopting a precious baby boy. It wasn't necessarily an Easter dinner... but talks centered around Jesus certainly took place. And of course we definitely feasted! We had an old fashioned southern pot-luck dinner. It was THE BOMB. Do people still say... "the bomb?" Seriously though... so much fun! Eric was back there making homemade ice cream. We were all very proud of ourselves!
Sarah- the Mommy to be, Aubrey, and Ashley!

Aubrey received far more attention than is probably healthy.

Sarah and Jon... the new parents!
The Family... we were missing a few... but for the most part we were all there. And TDodds was taking the photo.

These next two photos were taken before we left the house for church. Aubrey was eating and bribing her with food was the only way to get her to stand still.

We had a wonderful weekend! I'm sure you all did too!
Love ya!