Toys and Puppy Dogs
I need some ideas.
The toy issue. Our little Aubrey Grace racked it in on her birthday! I got rid of a bunch of things and boxed up some of her quality baby toys for our next baby... but I'm still looking for some ideas! I had a few good ideas of my own, but I always love hearing what you think. Don't comment all at once now!
I have this rubbermaid box in the living room and I can whisk it away at a moment's notice to Aubrey's closet if I don't want the toys to be seen. EVERYTHING ends up pulled out of it by the end of the day. Aubrey doesn't understand "one thing at a time."
Baskets are my BFF. Especially after discovering that putting books on a bookshelf is some kind of sick joke when you have a one year old. HA. This basket stays under a side table in our living room and I pull it out during the day so she can look at books and we can read. Then I just put it back after bedtime.
This is where I'm having issues. Her bedroom. She loves to play in her room during the day, and although she doesn't sit still for long, I think she feels very independent and grown up in there by herself. I have a small basket of random toys and another box of books by the rocking chair for she and I to read together.
This book shelf is tucked away in a corner of my bedroom and this is the smartest idea I've had yet!! Aubrey knows where her little basket of toys and books are in my room, so if I'm getting ready for the day or cleaning the bathroom or something she stays occupied. Perfect.
Enough of that nonsense. Random confession time...
Sometimes my child thinks she is a puppy dog. I seriously do not know how she figured it out. But sometimes she says *woof woof* and carries things (her cup, random toys like her little people people, a wooden spoon, etc) around in her mouth. And by sometimes I mean a lot of the time. We don't have a puppy dog, which makes it even more interesting. We have watched Clifford the Big Red Dog quite a bit, and we have puppy books! I think it's hilarious... one of my favorite things about her right now.
Hey little puppy!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Love you all!