My Week

I've been sitting, staring at this screen for about 10 minutes. I'm not kidding. I have no idea what to say, or where to even begin to tell you about my week. It's been a hard week emotionally, physically, and spiritually for me. We are exhausted! Just look at my poor baby (who is cutting 3 more teeth by the way and cranky as all get out!). Her feet are stuck in the slats and her blanket is completely covering her face. Sometimes that's where I'd like to be!

I'm sure I'm not the only one who is exhausted this week... actually I'm certain that I'm not!! For more reasons than just the obvious surface things. I hope that you don't hear me whining and complaining. I guess I just have a heavy heart. Honestly, I've thought of you, my precious blog-world friends, several times throughout the last 7 days, but just could not begin to articulate my feelings, or pretend like I was just as happy as a lark, when inside I'm just so-so. :) Clearly I'm having a hard time explaining myself even now!

I don't really feel like sharing my deep thoughts and secrets with you. Nor do I think that would be very appropriate. But let's just say that the Lord is working. Refining. Doing some scraping away of the yuck in my heart. I'm listening to Him. That's for sure. Certainly feeling weak, and yet I feel an intense hope... and there's still a glimmer of joy in there.

I think I need a nap.

I think I need more coffee.

Definitely a nap.

You would not waste a prayer on me this week. I'm certainly praying for you. I really do pray for you!

Despite the things the Lord is teaching me... I have some pretty great Aubrey stories to share with you. Maybe on Monday.

Love you all to the moon...


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