Sippy Cups

It's Monday now!!!

While at the doctor for Aubrey's one year check up, I was slightly scolded... really more "encouraged" to have Aubrey drink her milk via a cup. HA. Easier said than done. What the doc did not know was that I had been trying without success for months to get Aubrey to drink out of a sippy cup. We had tried every brand of cup in most sizes. You should see our cabinet. It's like sippy cup city. When I would give her a cup, she would try it and then immediately contort her face and say no and throw the cup to the ground. She's cried over it... a lot... not out of wanting to get her way so much, but more out of frustration. I might of shed a few tears myself. It didn't help that all of the internet articles I had been reading were telling me I was a bad Mom for not being consistent and giving in... but sometimes... just well... sometimes internet articles can go fly a kite.

This past week we were "swimming" in our little pool, and do you see that curly, swirly, purple straw in there?? It was left over from her birthday party and she loves to play with it... so I put it in the pool. About 20 minutes later I hear her saying "Mmmmmm... Yum!" I look over to acknowledge her words to find her drinking the pool water through her curly, swirly straw. I almost leapt for joy. And yes... I realize that the water wasn't completely clean... she'll live. But she could drink through a straw!! She had randomly taught herself! I was so proud!!!!

Aubrey Grace... what on earth is that look on your face!? I'm just trying to get you to look up at me, into the sun, so I can take your picture!! It's good for your eyes!!
Side story... yes that's Aubrey's baby body wash on the side of the pool. And yes... I might of given her a "bath" when pool time was over. There's just only so much time in a day!
Which leads to the point of the story. Success. Utter, wonderful success!! Aubrey Grace LOVES her cups with a straw. And the best part is that these do not leak.

Genius. My daughter is a genius.
You go girl!

Sigh. One more milestone down... One trillion to go!

Love you all!


That is too funny! Well I'm glad that worked out! That will make it even easier when you forget her cup and are at a restaurant!
Unknown said…
Oh Bailey! I love your blog! You're such a great writer and it entertains me to read. hahah :) oh sweet aubrey you did it!
amberburger said…
yay! way to go!!

You are one a head of me for sure, Justus still uses his bottle and he is 2 and i have no plans of making it go away anytime soon :) We did this with Titus too, and he is just fine :)

We miss yall! Aubrey is soo CUTE!
The Dodds said…
Thanks girls!!! We miss you too Amber! So much!
Yuhasz Family said…
Good job Aubrey! Lily wouldn't do the sippy either just the straw cup! They are too cool for the sippy cup...they want to be like the big girls!

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