The Olden Days...

So part of my blogging break was because I dropped my laptop and fried the hard drive. Go me!

Now I'm using TDodds' old laptop and I just opened IPhoto to de-red eye some new pictures I took to post on the blog. BUT FIRST... I MUST show you some old photos... from the olden days... circa 2004/2005!

There were so many... so many... I had a hard time picking which treasures to share!

It's amazing what 5 or 6 years does to a person!

This was like a couple of days after we got engaged! Yes... I had braces! Why the man wanted to marry me even though I had braces, I'll never know.

Allison who you all know to be one of my life long BFF's, and Natalie - my favorite mentor and seriously one of my best friends and the person I want to be like when I grow up.

These next few photos are from TDodds' first photo shoot ever.

Me and that BFF again... and some little junior high kid trying to be funny peeking through us. I think it's hilarious and laugh every time I see it!

Oh camp days...
Have a good weekend!


Molly Swanson said…
it's so funny! I was just thinking about that time when Tyler came to homecoming and wondering where that picture is...haha! If I ever find it, it's yours! love ya!

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