And I really do think my blogging sabbatical is over.
I was severely burnt out and was desperate for a break! The Lord has been reworking and restructuring things in my heart and in my life, and I just needed to think for a while! Blogging wasn't the only think I kind of separated myself from for a while. I was far too busy for my own good. Still am to a certain extent... but I feel rejuvenated... more like myself... and so in love with my Jesus.
TDodds kept asking me when I'm going to blog again, and quite frankly, I kept saying... NEVER, I'm too tired, I have nothing to say. But then I started missing you, and you were coming up to me in the foyer of church and emailing me and saying you missed me too! So goodness gracious here I am.
Thanks for being such a silly girl's friend!

Your BFF4LIFE :)