This will be a super quick update...

This past weekend Tyler had a Disciple Now event in Austin. It was so great! What a good weekend! I was able to go... which was so much fun! I'm still a little tired, but I've been able to sleep in a bit which is nice!! We fly to Atlanta on Friday for a week and I'm so excited to see our good friends. We'll be at a church in southern Georgia... Vidalia (where the onions come from!!) to be exact... leading worship for a week long event they are having there!
Our fourth... FOURTH... anniversary is next week. It seems like only yesterday...
Yesterday I went to the doctor for my 25 week check up... 25 WEEKS!!! It seems like only yesterday...
Mom accompanied me which was so fun! Tyler had been so busy getting ready for the concert tonight... and I did not want to go by myself. I'm glad she came because we had to wait forever for the doctor... so we got to chat a little... and she got to hear Baby Girl's heartbeat. I won't even tell you how much weight I gained... let's just say I made up for the 2 pounds last month. Baby Girl is growing like a weed, and getting stronger every day. Her kicks and punches tell me so! We are praying ever so fervently for her and her development... and getting so excited to meet her!
This is the season for A LOT of traveling... but I will try to be better about updating!!
Sorry for the randomness!! Love you all!