Happy rainy Wednesday to you all... I'm so enjoying the rain pitter pattering on the sky light in our living room! The concert last night was A-MA-ZING... Tyler did a fantastic job (as usual), and it sounded so good! The guys from Rush of Fools were great... so kind and very down to earth. Here are some photos from the evening...

Chris... an amazing guitar player... and my man!

Silly musicians... Gabe (drums), Russ (bass), Luke (guitar)

Me and T-Dodds, we were going to take a smiling pic after this but my camera died... oh well!

Parker... Chris and Sheila's little one... the CUTEST EVER. His t-shirt said... "My dad is a rock star, and his hat and shoes had electric guitars!! Melted me to mush! Sheila said that they make the shoes in Pink... we will HAVE to get them. Spice up Baby Girl's wardrobe!!
