Serious Updates!!

If you go to Stonegate and get the missions emails then you have probably already read this... but I just wanted to relay the updates I received today for all of our blogging friends! I will put the updates in black and my comments in what else!!?? PINK!

-A band heard Tyler play and invited him to their youth meeting which could open another door for the team.

-Sunday, the team went to three different churches where Ismael (This man is amazing y'all. He is an anointed preacher and teacher. His testimony is phenomenal! He is very soft spoken... until he gets behind the pulpit! He preached when we were in Mexico, and we were so blessed!) preached at all three. The team made such an impact that the Del Camino Church had many people coming to Christ.

-The Del Camino Church was very moved by Tyler's music and responded amazingly well.  The church had about 250 in attendance. - Praise You LORD!

-The concert is doing so well, that the Del Camino Church is blocking a street so that all that want to attend can do so. If I'm not mistaken... this concert is tomorrow (Tuesday) night. Then there is one more concert on Wednesday night.

-The construction in El Sunza is going well. The bricking is almost done at one house, and they are getting ready to put the roof on. And are laying foundation for a 2nd house!

I actually spoke to Tyler this morning! It was so wonderful to hear his voice!! We spoke for like 5 minutes... but it was so precious! He said that they kind of have an off day, so the concert team went to help with construction!

Love you all!


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