Today is TDodds' birthday.
He seems to believe it's not a big deal.
I on the other hand, LOVE birthdays and think they are so much fun to celebrate!
We started our celebrations yesterday with a lunch date to one of our favorite places, Genghis Grill. You build your own bowl with raw ingredients and then you drop your concoction off at the grill, they cook it, and then bring it to your table! Tyler has perfected a custom recipe that is seriously out of this world. If he wasn't so talented in other areas, he would most certainly be a chef. He loves to cook... I lucked out on that deal!
After lunch, and a coffee pit stop, Ty went back to the office and I ran some errands before I picked Aubrey up from Parent's Day Out. I had a quick meeting and then we came home and made Daddy birthday cards!
Every once in a while Aubrey calls Tyler Daddy-O and I think it's the cutest thing ever!
After Daddy got home from the office, we showed him our cards and then we went to have dinner and cake with my rents. I had picked up the cookie cake earlier that afternoon. I asked for a guitar made of icing to be put on top and I personally think it's one of the most hilarious things I've ever seen. The sweet lady behind the cookie counter showed it to me and I exclaimed, "It's perfect!!" For it is! Perfectly "not quite right."

He's truly the most amazing, hilarious, fun, and kind man I've ever had the privilege to know. I love celebrating his birthday even if he doesn't, because it's a day to celebrate how special he is to me. To show him that he is so very very special.
Happy Birthday TDodds!
Eric & Michelle