Things Aubrey Loves
I'm back y'all! And I've been having my coffee and drinking it too! So I'm more myself these days!
I love you so much! Just wanted you to know that today! Each of you who share life with us through blog land are so treasured! We love to love you!
I was thinking today about my sweet daughter. So quirky. So fun. Precious.
I wanted to record some things... get things "on paper" if you will. Things that she loves that I don't want to forget! So if you'll humor me...
Right now... my almost two year old (eek) Aubrey Grace loves...
Sidewalk chalk and her ABC's - she knows all of them plus the sound that each letter makes... genius!

Art... in any form... but she especially loves stickers
Cheerios... with milk... like a big girl.

The park... and really just being outside in general.

Going through my drawers. Which isn't always good, but there are worse things I guess.
I think that might be my motto as a Mom: "There are worse things."
I say it at least twice a day... it keeps me sane.

Her uncle Riley Isaac.
My jewlery. Again.. there are worse things.

The swing.

Numbers... she can count to 20!
Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches
Singing Songs
Veggie Tales
Going "bye bye"
Cars, Trucks, and anything with wheels
She is so much fun!!
Have a great weekend!