
Aubrey Grace is officially walking.

Sort of.

Yesterday, she just stood up and took off.

Today it's as if she has forgotten everything!

Yesterday, we were eating lunch with our friends Jeff and Crystal and looked over into the living room where Aubrey was playing and she was literally just walking around. We knew it would happen like this, for we have a very independent little girl! To say the least.

But she is so totally sweet at the same time. She loves to cuddle up with her books in my lap. She would sit there for hours if I allowed it. But my throat gets so very dry, my eyes tear up, and my brain begins to malfunction from reading the same books over and over and over again! I seriously have most of them completely memorized. One time TDodds quizzed me. I can recite Goodnight Moon, The Hungry Hungry Caterpillar, 10 Little Ladybugs, and several other books word for word. I hope you don't hear me bragging for I'm literally laughing out loud right now. We read. A lot. I'm not even sure that all makes sense, or why I felt the need to tell you that... but you are tracking with me, right!?

Does the exclamation come before the question mark, or is it the other way around?!

I just Googled it. The question mark comes first to indicate a question. Then the exclamation point.

As I was saying, we always knew that eventually Aubrey would just get up and walk on her own. She would push us away when we would try to walk with her, holding her hands. And she would stiffen her body and just lie on the ground if you ever tried to pull her up into a standing position. We were right. She figured it out on her own.

I felt such a feeling of pride and at the same time extreme sadness that my little one is really no longer a sweet tiny baby. She's growing into a vivacious, beautiful little girl who is all mine, and I love it!

I hope that you are truly enjoying your day off of work or school!

Love you all!


Marina said…
Do y'all read Chicka Chicka Boom Boom?? Its one of our favorites!

And, I know the feeling...I find myself lying in bed and instead of dreaming, I am saying in my head "Big A, little a, what begins with a? Aunt Annie's alligator, a, a, a!"

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