From Our Weekend
We had kind of a junk food weekend. Don't judge.
We had delicious fish and fresh asparagus last night to make up for it!
This was our homemade pizza from Friday night! It was wonderful, but the crust was a little thick for my taste. TDodds likes overly thick crust, but I like mine cracker thin. I caved on Friday night. I guess we could make two pizzas. Hm. What a novel idea! TDodds side has jalepenos. Gross.
My little brother Riley spent the night with us Friday, and he and Aubrey had a blast taking out EVERY toy we own... even the ones I hadn't seen in months... the ones I had forgotten about... and covered the living room floor with them. We went to the library and rented Wall-E to watch while eating our pizza. Which is such an adorable movie. I think we watched it three... no four... times.
Of course, a party is not complete without a Larry Boy hat.
Hope your Tuesday is wonderful.