My First Mother's Day
Lord willing, the first of many many more!
I had a wonderful day.
We had to wake up very very early on Sunday morning to be at the church by 715 for a sound check and rehearsal before church. Worship was wonderful! In honor of Mother's Day, all 8 of us girls on the Praise Team sang together which was an absolute BLAST and such a treat!
We didn't get home from church until after 1 and all I could think about was having a nap before my family came over for a night of food, fun, and fellowship! ;)
That's kind of an inside joke, that I don't quite understand...
Tyler did an amazing job making our very busy day feel like Mother's Day. Sweet and kind words from him coupled with him taking care of baby girl so I could take a 3 hour nap made it so so wonderful!!
My fam came over to celebrate, and TDodds cooked out hamburgers and then we had a fun time chatting and eating together!
After everyone left, TDodds did all of the dishes, and even swept the floor while I rocked my sweet Aubrey Grace and told her I was glad to be her Mommy and then pulled on my pj's and crawled back under the covers with a book.
Despite the busyness... I got A LOT of much needed rest!!
Thanks Love!
This is a homemade caramel macchiato... or at least that's what we called it. I'm so spoiled. Sigh... it was rather delicious!

These pics are from last night!! This is the story of their lives in a single photo... Aubrey follows her Uncle Riley around everywhere... she can't get enough of him...
The Grill Master
Nonna and Aubrey Grace
Most of the evening, Riley road down the sidewalk in our back yard as fast as he could and then ran into the metal fence to stop. haha...
She felt like such a big girl!
I'm looking a little odd here... must of been all that coffee!
Riley sometimes thinks he is Batman
3 Generations
The Fam
My dad, grandma, and brother Caleb were there as well, but I didn't get any photos of them!
Love you all!!