Because I'm a Planner
And I quite literally cannot help the excitement I feel as Aubrey is growing...

Minus the Hello Kitty art on the walls, and the huge leaves... and the weird rugs... THIS is what I want to do with Aubrey's room once we graduate to a big girl bed!! Her room is already black and pink and green so it would be a WAY easy transition! I found this room at Design Dazzle (along with the other two as well)... one of my new fav blogs!! You should totally check it out!
The bedding is from PB Teen... but I think I could make it!!
Look how adorable the baskets and boxes! I'm going to start keeping my eyes open at Michaels and Hobby Lobby! Oh and call me if you see something while you are out and about! It would be nice to have book shelves at her level as much as she loves books!

These next two photos have no real purpose... they just made me really want another little girl to share a room and secrets with Aubrey Grace! I'm always partial to red... and I love love red with an icey blue color. So pretty!

Sigh. I really really really love this room. It's so girly, yet not typical at all! I love the pink dresser and simple blue quilts. And the rug!! Oh my... the rug!

If all else fails, there is this room... so pretty and feminine!!
What can I say?! Im excited!! Well while Aubrey is napping I better take th opportubity to get some things done around here!!
Love you all!