A Birthday Tribute
Today is Tyler's birthday. I love him so so much... and here are a few reasons why...
I love that you asked me to marry you and that we've had such a blast ever since. I mean don't get me wrong... there are challenges, but the good far outweighs the bad. You love Jesus so much which in return helps you to love me like a queen. I'm sorry I didn't wear a veil in our wedding.

You are the most A-MA-ZING Daddy. Aubrey Grace is madly in love with you. Just this morning while I was curling my hair, and you left the room for work she fell to pieces crying. I had to pick her up and console her. Y'all have so much fun together... and I know she's watching you like a hawk. What a picture you are of Jesus' love towards her. I'm so grateful.
I love you because you love me even when I look like this. I'm almost positive that I was prego in this picture and mad because the queso was gone and I felt that you ate more than I did. Which was so not fair.
I love that you are so totally cool, and that you love music. I love your music and I love that the Lord has allowed me to support you in the things He has called you to do.

And yet you are hilarious... we laugh so hard we cry together. Which is so fun. I'm glad we are BFF's.
I loved our time in Atlanta together where we learned how to be married.
In our sweet little apartment where the sun always seemed to be shining.
I love that you love places like Ikea and Crate and Barrell... and will accompany me there anytime without grumbling. You enjoy it almost as much as I do.
I love that in our 5 short and budget tight years that we've been able to go to so many really fun places... like San Diego, the Grand Canyon, Estes Park, Savannah, and more trips to Dallas than I can count.
I love that under that rock star facade you are just a man's man. Boy to the core. You love fishing, and tearing things apart and putting them back together again. Working with your hands. And you are so knowledgeable about so many different topics!
I love that one of your favorite things to do is sit and have a gooood cup of coffee.
You are a blessing to me. Truly.
Love you so,
...and yes, the queso thing is amazing too.