Oh the Prosperity Gospel

I tend to not speak on "spiritual matters" very often on our blog for several reasons. Mainly because we want to just walk with you the reader... our BFF's... in the very mundane things in life. We want to cry with you, and cook with you, and laugh with you, and hope with you. We just want to love you... deeply. And of course we have a major fear of sounding self-righteous. Maybe we should speak more on what God is teaching us in his word. But we also think there are so many other... better... blogs you can read to grow in your own walk with the Lord.

Putting all of that aside for just one little post... I have some thoughts...

I am madly in love with God's word... I have a true passion, and deep desire to know the scripture. I love inductive study the best, and I truly enjoy research, and Greek and Hebrew root words and so on and so forth. One thing I have never been able to confirm in my study thus far in life is the theology of the prosperity gospel. I can certainly see how these people twist certain scriptures to confirm their greedy desires, but of course, they are deceived. TDodds and I have become so passionate about discrediting this false gospel over the last few years. We believe that this gospel is the height of idolatry. It's not the gospel AT ALL. But sadly, it's spreading to the poorest of poor who are putting their hope in what God can give... and not God himself.

These videos were brought to my attention today... twice... on twitter (i know... i know!). Once from Vernon, and then from Eric. So I decided I might as well watch them knowing that I might be in for something. Well... in the words of Eric... "my heart melts within me..." I just sat here in my chair bawling into my cup of coffee. It makes me angry and frustrated. Surely it's a righteous anger. How have we become so deceived!? What about the poor!?

I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Love you all!!


The Roberts' said…
i gasped twice in the first video because of things that speaker said. my biggest reaction toward people who say things like this - FEAR. for them. they do not know the God they are dealing with. God's wrath is big & they will be held accountable for their lies. we have to pray for truth. for freedom from deception. if only people understood they are not really hungry for money - but for Jesus...

& my personal opinion, i like reading about what the Lord is doing in people's lives, so im all about that - doing life together despite physical absence! i am encouraged to hear of God's work & i like to know how to pray for you. :-)

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