Girl's Weekend!
This past weekend... my BFF's and I met at our house for a special girl's weekend! We try to all get together a couple of times a year. I love these girls. I LOVE them. We've all been walking life together since high school... and they are so special to me. I know what you are thinking... a special weekend in Midland!? There is nothing to do there! So true. But really... this is where we all grew up... and it's certainly more about the relationships than anything else. We had a blast drinking coffee together and chatting in our pj's... and eating at Harvest and none other than Kuo's... having Gigi's Cupcakes... playing Apples to Apples... spoiling Aubrey Grace... and of course going bowling! I had totally forgotten how bad bowling alleys smell. And how gross bowling shoes are. And we are terrible... terrible bowlers. All 6 of us. Horrible! But it was hilarious. What an encouraging weekend!!
Paige, Molly, Allison, Courtney, Bails
At the bowling alley... don't you love this stance by Eleanor... I mean Courtney!
Allison creamed us all... both games.
Allison, Paige, Jenna, Molly
These are our bowling scores! I won't say which score belongs to which girlie... I'll leave it up to your imagination.
Whether Sprinkle's or Gigi's... cupcakes are a tradition!
At church yesterday morning... Allison, Bails, Aubrey Grace, Molly, Jenna, Paige, and Courtney