And then a week passed without us even knowing it!

Good Morning all of my lovely blog reading friends...

It has been quite a busy... crazy... emotional... thrilling... exhausting week for us!

First for the crazy and thrilling... TDodds went on staff at our church this past Wednesday as Associate Worship Pastor! We have been so excited about this opportunity. We are so incredibly at peace that this is the Lord's will for us, and are confident that we are walking in obedience. And for those of you who might be worried, TDodds will still have the freedom to travel and serve in other churches all over the country.

Now for the emotional... It's been kind of a roller coaster week for me! Tyler has never... our whole marriage, worked outside of the home. Which I know is not the norm for most. But it certainly was the norm for us. It's going to be different. Not bad... just different.

And lastly, the busy and exhausting... We spent all day Friday and Saturday working on Tyler's office at the church... which is certainly going to be awesome. We had to paint everything... even the furniture! T did most of the painting, and I helped my Mom get her office organized. Her office is right next to Tyler's. T also did some pretty awesome art work for his walls!! We didn't get to finish the office... but I'll post some pictures for ya when it's done! Just because it's going to be awesome, and I know you all care so much.

Friday morning, Aubrey Grace and I set out to help Daddy at the office. It was a very cool morning, so I snapped this picture of her in her way cute pink hoodie! Look at that face!!!!
Here is TDodds putting on the first coat. Can't you just feel the excitement!
This is what Aubrey Grace did most of the time... Play... Sleep... Play... Sleep... Eat.

Well... I better get going! I have a lunch date!! And some laundry in the dryer that is calling my name! Love you all!!


Mike and Cymbre said…
Congrats to Tyler!! Being on church staff will be an exciting thing! Hang in there, Bailey! I'm sure it will be an adjustment to him being out of the house more.
Congratulations!! That is awesome!
oh, and no I haven't started blogging yet-maybe soon
Kara said…
Is it sad that I work at the church and had no idea about the all the office changes over there? I guess I will have to walk the few steps next door and look at it.

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