1 Month Old!

Little Aubrey Grace...

You are 1 Month old today! To think that me and your Daddy (Lord willing) have only 215 more months or so with you under our roof is unfathomable since this first month has gone by in a blink.

You are napping in your room right now and every time I walk by I can't help but peek in at you in your crib. You are so adorable!!

Some things about you right now...

You LOVE to eat. You are eating between 3 and 4 ounces of formula every 3 to 4 hours.

Because you are eating so well... you are growing so well! At first we had some trouble getting you to gain weight... but now you weigh about 8 pounds and we are so proud of you!

You have long skinny legs and arms and the cutest chubby cheeks I've ever seen! Your hair is reddish brown and you have the prettiest peaches and cream complexion. I think your eyes are going to be green... but we'll see. Right now they are still blue.

You can roll from your back to either side.

You'd rather lay on your back in our living room and look up into our sky light then look or play with your toys on your play mat.

You like to stare at yourself in mirrors. I think you think that there is another baby in the room.

You don't really like 'tummy time', but you are very strong.

You adore your Daddy. Just this morning around 8 you were fussy and you weren't supposed to eat until about 9, so I put you in our bed. You rolled over to your Daddy and put your hand on his cheek and just looked at him with those wide bright eyes. I'm not sure you really knew what you were doing, but it thrilled your Papa to his very soul.

You are starting to love your bath, but you hate having your hair washed. Someday you'll love it.

You don't sleep through the night yet, but that's ok!! You are just so cute that we don't mind.

You have started to look us in the eye and give us little smiles.

We are so glad you are here Aubrey-Girl!! And we love you like mad!


Molly Swanson said…
This is SO sweet. You'll love being able to look back at this later...I love it! :)

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