The Aubrey Show...
Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi... That's where we spent our weekend!
First, Aubrey got to meet some of our dear friends, the Browns in Dallas. We stopped to see them this past Thursday. We had planned on arriving at their house sometime mid afternoon, but traveling with a baby is different... to say the least. We FINALLY got there several hours late just in time for a yummy supper of grilled chicken and pasta salad. I know I've explained before how special this family is to us, so being able to spend the night with them was so good!! Everyone had a turn holding baby Aubrey! Cade... who is 8 years old cracked me up so much while he was holding her! It was adorable... he talked to her, and giggled at her silly faces. Meaghan... who is turning 12 next week (can it be!?) held her a couple of times, and it just brought such great joy to my heart. Meg was the flower girl in our wedding and she is so beautiful! The age difference between she and I is the same as between her and Aubrey. I'm sure Aubrey will look up to her and adore her!

The trip to Mamaw's house in Mississippi was long... but we made it in time for a big catfish dinner including coleslaw, hushpuppies... ANNND... FRIED PICKLES!! Aunt Mary and Mamaw just doted over Aubrey and it was so sweet to watch them interact with her. While there we had a photo shoot with Aubrey in a very special outfit... but I'll blog more about that later! I'm so happpy that we were able to visit them while Aubrey was still so tiny!

She's 5 1/2 weeks old now by the way!!
On Saturday we were able to spend most of the day with Tyler's other grandmother Cook Cook. My oh my we love her!

Sunday morning we had a big breakfast with Mamaw and then we got back into the car and headed to Tennessee!!
In our short time traveling with a baby... I've already learned so much!! Like... not only do I need to pack an extra outfit for Aubrey in the car... but I really should pack an extra outfit for me as well just in case she has a blow out diaper and it gets all over me. That trash bags can be used for so much more than just trash. And Clorox wipes and hand sanitizer are absolute necessities.
Well that's all for now! Our week has been full of adventure... but right now it's time for bed! We have a very early morning tomorrow!
Love you all!!