I have the Tuesday ho-hums...  

I'm going to work backwards from today to tell you about all I've been up to!! 

I have had a very productive day so far, but I'm calling it quits and I'm going to let my body rest!!  I've spent most of the day cleaning and getting things done around the house!  Mom came over and cleaned all of our carpet.  Yes... she's amazing.  I feel relieved!!  We are pretty sure that the baby has "dropped" which really has been a great thing in one sense because I can breathe!!  But now I'm having other pains in my back that are driving me NUTS!!  It will be over soon though!!  Kendal came over just a bit ago and helped me decide where I should hang things on the walls in baby girl's room.  She is so good at that... she should be a stager!!  None of it is on the walls though because I didn't know how to hang the shelves!  It's all laying nice and neat on the floor just waiting for T-Dodds to put it all up!!

Only 2 1/2 weeks until my due date!! 

Yesterday, I had an incredible burst of energy and spent it out and about... running errands, picking things up, and doing some shopping!  I had lunch with Brittaney who is also expecting a little girlie!  Mom and I went to Target... hopefully for the last time until baby girl comes (but who am I kidding... I love that place), and picked up some things I'll need at the hospital and some last minute baby essentials!  So fun!  

I have to admit that I totally watched "Jon and Kate Plus 8" last night and felt strangely awkward (again) the whole time... but I couldn't stop watching it!!

Sunday I did nothing except go to church!  It was very relaxing!  

Saturday morning my brother Travis graduated from high school... crazy!!  The graduation celebration was long... but definitely worth it to see him walk across the stage and accept his diploma!!  Then we went and had lunch with the whole fam!  Saturday night we celebrated one of my BFF Jody's birthday with a girl's night!  It was so good for me to get out of the house and have some good girl time!!  We ate at Clear Springs which is a way yummy seafood restaurant here in town with the BEST onion rings EVVVVEEEERRR!!!!  Then we went to another friends house and just chatted it up!  Mainly we talked about "Jon and Kate Plus 8!"  What is this spell that they have on us!!  

Well that's all for now folks... life really is so exciting right now... I just don't have time to write about all the little details!!  Getting ready for sweet baby girl is just too much fun!!  

Love you all!!


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