Aubrey's First Day Home
Hey Everyone!
We are all doing well and we love Aubrey so much!!! It is amazing to walk through this new season of life. Even though we have just started we have instantly seen, heard, felt, and smelled God's abounding grace!
I wanted to let everyone know the meaning of her name!
We named her after my grandfather Lytle Aubrey Dodds. He went to be with Jesus in July of 2004. As many of you know this was shortly after Bailey and I met in 2002. I of course knew him my whole life but Bailey only got to be with him a few times before he passed. She immediately fell in love with him!
Papaw always nick-named everyone in the family. I don't think anyone really knows why he chose the nicknames that he chose. I am "Shypolk". My dad is "Feltcher". My mom is "Cathy Sue". We were so excited that right before he passed away he nick-named Bailey "Bill" after an old song.
Papaw ment so much to me and the whole family. He would often read the word for hours at a time and I am pretty sure he had read the bible through a couple of times. Jesus had transformed his life! He was so selfless and kind hearted. He would do anything for anybody and loved us so much. He was always so affectionate toward us and especially to Bailey as he welcomed her into the family. He left such an impact on us that we wanted to name our first little girl after him. We desire for her to know Jesus and have all of these traits.
As for the name Grace....
"Grace" in Christian belief means: "The free and unmerited favor of God" Grace as a noun is defined as: "simple elegance or refinement of movement." These are both very beautiful!
We really struggled with picking a middle name. We had another name that we had settled on early in our marriage but we weren't sure about it. As we have walked through life in this last year a lot of things have changed for us and there have been ups and downs. The main thing that we have experienced from the Lord this year has been grace. We have seen His favor, we have seen His unconditional love, and we have seen his provision! Now that we have seen this precious baby, we have experienced God's grace even more.
Here are several pictures from her first day at home. I secretly love photography! We were blessed with a new camera so I have gone crazy taking pictures!
Grace and peace,

this is after her bath.. notice her shirt we made for Ravona (Bailey's mom)

Ravona holding her

so fresh and so clean, clean
& check out those long fingers!!
more pictures & details!! LOVE IT!!