Preparing for Budapest...
Tyler is leaving for Budapest, Hungary this Saturday morning for 10 days. We are so thrilled about this opportunity to serve the Lord. I will post his itinerary soon for those who would like to pray for him daily. Here are some general things you can pray for this week and next...
-Travel safety for Tyler and the rest of the team
-Wisdom and discernment
-That the Word of God would dwell richly in the team's hearts and minds and that it would easily flow off of their tongues
-For great rest this week in preparation for the long travel time and probable lack of sleep
-Specifically that Tyler would complete his current work assignments before he leaves... pray for focus
-Pray that all of the musical instruments, supplies, and other luggage, would follow the team all the way to Budapest and back, and NOT get lost
-Ask that the Holy Spirit would start drawing Hungarians to Himself, so they are prepared when they hear the gospel
-Pray for the ladies on the team to be an encouragement to Hungarian women. This has become a major burden on my heart. Hungary is an incredibly oppressed nation, hopelessness is rampant. The average Hungarian woman has 10 abortions in her life, and they scoff at marriage relationships. The government requires that they pay such high taxes on babies and to marry, that they would just rather not worry with it. There is an incredible feeling of sadness and despair. 60% of their wages go to pay taxes of some kind.
Thank you for your warrior like prayers on the behalf of my husband! You are all such good friends!!
Love you all!
-Travel safety for Tyler and the rest of the team
-Wisdom and discernment
-That the Word of God would dwell richly in the team's hearts and minds and that it would easily flow off of their tongues
-For great rest this week in preparation for the long travel time and probable lack of sleep
-Specifically that Tyler would complete his current work assignments before he leaves... pray for focus
-Pray that all of the musical instruments, supplies, and other luggage, would follow the team all the way to Budapest and back, and NOT get lost
-Ask that the Holy Spirit would start drawing Hungarians to Himself, so they are prepared when they hear the gospel
-Pray for the ladies on the team to be an encouragement to Hungarian women. This has become a major burden on my heart. Hungary is an incredibly oppressed nation, hopelessness is rampant. The average Hungarian woman has 10 abortions in her life, and they scoff at marriage relationships. The government requires that they pay such high taxes on babies and to marry, that they would just rather not worry with it. There is an incredible feeling of sadness and despair. 60% of their wages go to pay taxes of some kind.
Thank you for your warrior like prayers on the behalf of my husband! You are all such good friends!!
Love you all!