Today is a good day!
It has been cloudy the last couple of days but today we woke up to bright sun shine. We have been praying for great weather so this was very encouraging. We joined together this morning to have prayer and worship time before we headed out. It was a sweet time to pray over the city and for God to lead us into relationships with the people today. We then went to the main college campus where we did a survey. The surveys were just to engage people in conversation. Here are the questions we asked:
1. If you could ask God any question what would it be?
2. Do you have any questions about the bible?
3. What is man's greatest challenge today?
The answers we got were astounding! Most conversations lasted 30 mins or more. The main reasons we asked these questions were to talk about their personal life as well as point them to an English speaking club that the church here started. This has been crucial in developing relationships and getting people involved in the church.
Later in the day around 5:30 we set up a PA system and played a show in the park. We would play for a while and draw a crowd then point people to the survey booth and tell them about the church. The response was great and we are praying that we see these people again.
Here are some pictures from today:
Tomorrow we will be doing another concert in the park outside and then playing in a music club called The Filter. We play at 8:30 (1:30pm central time) at the Filter. Many people seemed very interested in coming after hearing us play today.
Please pray that we can continue to build relationships and be a light here in Budapest.

This is a photo from Monday morning's prayer time/mtg. The strawberries are just an eye catcher but the middle strawberry is purple with wings and crazy stuff around it. The slogan on the poster says in Hungarian "The same church... but in a different way" The reason it says this is because most people don't like the church and think of it as just old religious stuff. Some regard evangelical Christians to be a sect or a cult, so... same church but different than what they are used to.